Brownsea Program
Brownsea is a program for new Scouts and leaders which focuses on requirements for advancement to the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks. Scouts choose to participate in the series of morning sessions.
Brownsea morning sessions are held from 9:00 10:45 a.m. each day. Please refer to your sub-camp companion manual for specific location and program start times.
Please plan to provide at least one adult leader to work with your Brownsea patrol. It is highly recommended that this adult leader also attend our brand new Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills course. Additionally, if the adult leader is interested in helping teach portions of Brownsea, they are encouraged to talk with the Brownsea Director to arrange it.
Brownsea Daily Sessions - For Scouts working on Tenderfoot, Second and First Class ranks. Topics will include knots and lashing, fire-building, plant and animal identification, flag raising, knife sharpening, first aid, and how to prepare for outpost. The schedule of the four morning sessions after the first will be provided for Scouts and will be dependent on their patrol.
*NOTE: The five mile hike will be available as an optional portion if Brownsea Scouts are interested in completing that requirement.
Brownsea Book - At the first Brownsea session each Scout will be issued a Brownsea Book to keep track of the requirements earned throughout their week at camp; however, completion needs to be certified and signed off by your unit leader.
Sample Schedule - Below is a detailed example of what the Brownsea course will look like. The schedule will vary slightly by sub-camp, but the requirements covered will remain the same.
Brownsea morning sessions are held from 9:00 10:45 a.m. each day. Please refer to your sub-camp companion manual for specific location and program start times.
Please plan to provide at least one adult leader to work with your Brownsea patrol. It is highly recommended that this adult leader also attend our brand new Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills course. Additionally, if the adult leader is interested in helping teach portions of Brownsea, they are encouraged to talk with the Brownsea Director to arrange it.
Brownsea Daily Sessions - For Scouts working on Tenderfoot, Second and First Class ranks. Topics will include knots and lashing, fire-building, plant and animal identification, flag raising, knife sharpening, first aid, and how to prepare for outpost. The schedule of the four morning sessions after the first will be provided for Scouts and will be dependent on their patrol.
*NOTE: The five mile hike will be available as an optional portion if Brownsea Scouts are interested in completing that requirement.
Brownsea Book - At the first Brownsea session each Scout will be issued a Brownsea Book to keep track of the requirements earned throughout their week at camp; however, completion needs to be certified and signed off by your unit leader.
Sample Schedule - Below is a detailed example of what the Brownsea course will look like. The schedule will vary slightly by sub-camp, but the requirements covered will remain the same.